Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2day a bit mess... perasaan marah n rasa terhina bila baca sms mlm tadi tak hilang lagi... i woke up early, then he text me n i didnt reply... he text me.. again i didnt reply... marah sangat! maybe he dont really understand how i feel... i cried the whole day... but i have my own pride... maintainkan ego aku... dia tak boleh tau yang aku ni lemah... when we sms-ing.. we started to argue... oohhh pls.. i thought u knew what should u do.. i only want to see u... apa yang buat aku sedih lagi, bila call jer, mcm susah jer nak layan aku... hmmmm... call byk kali pun tak angkat... pegi keje pun mood takde nak nyanyi...lucky i had a good feedback from all the customer... :) i was thinking hmmmm.... to be a lone ranger jerk.... no time 4 love.. cari duit berli apa yg aku nak lagi bagus kan... even though i know that i cant live without him...